Tuesday, April 10th
I didn't have a chance to go grocery shopping for several days after returning from Honduras. Thus, I used what was left in my fridge to come up with some sort of breakfast.
I made my second, ever, breakfast burrito.
It sure was delicious!
I went for a nice walk and enjoyed the wonderful spring weather.
Stesha decided to cook me lunch. She made me pasta with a mix of red and white sauce. We planned on working on schoolwork by the pool, but that didn't happen. We ended up having a nice relaxing drink.
I met my Honduras group to work on our poster presentation that evening. We got together from 7pm until around 11. I was worn out!
That night I attempted to stay up until 3am to start the transition to night shift.
I made it to around 2:30 and passed out.
Wednesday, April 11th
I forced myself out of bed at 2:45.
I went to Panera for lunch and to work on some schoolwork. I finished up Case Study 4 for my diabetes course and started on my research presentation.
I got a walk in after that.
I tried everything to get myself to stay up until 7am.
I packed my first 5 boxes!
I packed up all of my clothes in one of my closets:
Also, I packed up all of my fun books (not school books).
I watched a ton of TV and succeeded in staying up until 7.
I crashed and woke up around 4pm on Thursday afternoon.
I did get a 1 hour walk in before I went in to clinical.
I worked from 6:45 pm until 7:15 am on Friday morning.
I made it home and into bed asleep by 9 am.
I slept until 4:45 and got myself ready.
I worked another 6:45 pm to 7:15 am shift.
So now, Saturday morning: I had an 8 am and an 8:30am appointment with two different women. One wanted to buy my desk and the other, my kitchen table. I put them on craigslist several days before. They both showed up around the same time and both wanted the furniture for the price I wanted! woohoo!
I sold my desk for $75 (originally $90) and my kitchen table for $350 (originally $450). What a deal!
no more kitchen table |
I crashed around 10 am and awoke at 5 pm. I picked up another shift for the next day (Sunday), so it was right back to sleep for me at 10 pm. haha! It really wasn't that hard to go back to sleep because I was exhausted.
I worked Sunday from 6:45 am until 7:15pm.
As of now, I am 6 shifts down and I have 8 to go.
I am working tomorrow night, Wednesday night, and Friday during the day.
The days and nights have blended together and the days seem to be slipping by.
I am proud to say I conquered my first week working nights. I had one meltdown, but I feel like I've gotten ahold of my sleep schedule.
It's weird sleeping during the day, but doable.
Countdown to Graduation:
1 Research Presentation
1 Research Paper
1 Journal response
1 final evaluation
1 poster presentation for Community
1 Plan of Care
1 15 minute presentation in front of the class
8 12-hour shifts
I can do this!