Wednesday, June 30, 2010

more Exam Grades

Today was a great day. I was only running on about 5 and half hours of sleep, but for some reason I made it. For the last couple of lectures, the professor has been taking 10 minutes breaks half way through the class. This is just about the greatest gift on Earth at 9 in the morning. I made a great friend in class during the first week and we always stop at Starbucks during our 1o minute break. Today I actually got something. Nonfat, SugarFree, Vanilla Chai Tea Latte! mmmm!!! It kept me going the rest of the class.
I finally remembered my scantron from the first exam so I could check what I got wrong in the professors office. I missed the dumbest questions. haha. One of them was scored wrong on the scantron so I got 2 extra points...bringing my grand total to a 106 with the 10 point curve. I only missed two questions. The professor and I got to talking and it was a pretty interesting conversation. I told him about the failed attempt at getting into dental school. He went to dental school and was a dentist before he started teaching. He tried to persuade me into going to medical school. Eh. Not the thing for me. Being a Nurse is more appealing to me.
After that I headed off to Sociology to get my exam back. 96% !!! Yay!
Like I said....great day!
I got an email back from Duke today telling me I could bring a guest to my interview. Looks like the Mom is coming with me!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Flight Tickets Booked!

I am worn out today. I don't know what it is. I've been trying to get 8 hours of sleeping in a night. I think it was the combination of the rain and my brain just feeling overloaded. I feel as each day passes I am just more and more behind in Human Anatomy and Physiology. I had my 2nd Sociology exam today. It wasn't hard, but I was so drained that it took me forever to finish it. I had to concentrate on every word in each question. My brain worked in slow motion today.
When I got home I booked my Mom and I's flight and hotel for my interview. I really wish my Dad could come along, but it is just too expensive. I could not believe the airfare prices!!! geeeze!
We are planning on a roadtrip this fall where we can all drive and enjoy the road to North Carolina. If I get in, we will be checking out apartments and whatnot.
I just wish time would fly. I know you shouldn't wish any part of your life away...I just want it to speed up. It's hard for me to enjoy each moment when I feel like all I do is eat, sleep, go to class, and study. =/
oh well!
I can't wait for the 15th!

Thursday, June 24, 2010


Dear ABSN Applicant,

We are delighted that you have submitted your application to the Duke Accelerated BSN Program.

Duke University School of Nursing is a leader in the health care of people through education, research, and health care delivery. Our School has a beautiful new state of the art building for nursing education, and our association with the world-class Duke University Medical Center provides an exceptional range of opportunities for clinical training. Our health care campus is in walking distance to the academic campus, and thus provides a rich opportunity for collaboration between our School, Arts and Sciences, and other Professional Schools at Duke.

Duke Nurses are distinguished by their critical thinking skills, autonomy, and dedication to the highest standards in patient care, research, and education. These characteristics are facilitated by our strong curriculum, excellent clinical sites and dedicated faculty. Duke University is located in the Research Triangle of North Carolina, a metropolitan area with a diverse population and access to a wide variety of cultural and artistic offerings, educational opportunities, and sporting events.

The Accelerated BSN Admissions Committee reviewed your application for Spring 2011 entry into the Accelerated BSN program and we are favorably impressed with your credentials.
We would be pleased if you would come to interview with our faculty on campus and participate in our day-long program. We are happy to invite you to visit Duke, meet our faculty/students, and see our campus.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Application Complete

I had the bright idea to email Duke today while I was eating lunch to make sure they had received all the application materials. The wonderful lady in admissions replied back to me within 20 minutes. She said they were still missing one of my recommendations. I quickly emailed my recommender to remind him. I then had a horrible time trying to log into my actual application. I probably spent 30 minutes trying to log in during my lunch break.
I went to lab and we received our practical grades. He said the highest grade was an 86...ouch! I received my grade and I made an 86!!! looks like I was at the top again. =)
When I got home I tried once again to log into my application. Not because I needed to, but just because I couldn't. It bothered me. I tried so many times my account was suspended. haha
I contacted technical support and my application was up and running in no time. I received an email from my recommender saying he would get right on it. An hour later it was submitted and my application is now complete!!!! I'm hoping to hear back from them tomorrow or the next day. It seems like people are getting their email for an interview the day after their application is complete.
I can't count the number of times I have checked my email knowing good and well that I will not receive one at crazy hours of the night.
I knocked out a 40 page chapter tonight. I AM DEAD TIRED!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Top Grade

Today was the first time in a week that I didn't wake up before my alarm clock. I am drained! The only thing that got me out of bed was knowing I would be getting my exam back with my grade. I actually did my hair this morning (meaning I attempted to straighten it). From the 5 second walk to my car from the house my hair frizzed out and I was sweating. Oh I hate your summer heat. I didn't forget my headphones today; that was a step in the right direction. I need music to get me through the day. I grabbed my seat at the front of the room...dead center too I might add. I'm that person. You know...the one who sits in the front, looks engaged in the lecture, and always chimes in when they think they know the answer. I wasn't always this way. Far from it. My freshman year I was at the back of the room, playing games on my laptop, chatting with friends, or just not there at all.
Anyways, back on topic. The teacher proceeds to write on the overhead that the class average was around a 63. You could hear the moans and gasps. He tells us this is above the normal...apparently there is usually a 54 average on the first test. Ouch! He then tells us there were 11 As, 18 or so Bs and on and on...I can't remember them all. At this point he tells us he is going to call out the people who made As in order of the top grades.
All of a sudden he is announcing who made the top grade and calls out my name! crazy right? me? I felt I overstudied and I knew I got around 3 wrong (I circle the ones I'm not 100% positive on). okay okay...he tells us there is a 10 point curve. I ended up pulling off a 104 on the exam. BAM!
I'm the next best thing Duke has coming for it! woohoo
I feel like as I get older, I get more and more uptight about these things. I feel like I always need to be studying. It's really hard for me to find a balance. During the week it is just about impossible to have any free time really. It is a summer course and I guess that is to be expected.
I'm just high on life today. That grade really made me happy. There are around 70 students in the class and to make the highest grade is something I am really proud of. If it comes off the wrong way, I'm sorry. I've just never been the one to get called out as having the best grade and I'm basking in it for one day.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

oh hi there
I just thought I would pop in and jot some stuff down for no reason. I always seem to find ways to procrastinate. I just finished up my final studying for my first Human A&P exam. Man oh man.
I constantly checked the nursing forums today just for something to keep my mind off of studying...haha. I keep finding myself perusing Duke's website for random information. I even downloaded the Duke application for my iphone. What is wrong with me?
Is it sad I started looking at apartments online in the Durham area?
I never had that "going away" to college experience. I never felt apart of something that special. I want to belong to something great. I believe I have the potential to be a part of something great and I think this is my something.
maybe I should just go to bed...

Friday, June 18, 2010

Duke Application is Sent!

After several weeks of procrastinating, I finally submitted my application to Duke School of Nursing.
This might come to shock to some people who know me. I have been trying to get into Dental School for some time, basically my whole collegiate career. After two application cycles, a rejection, an interview, and another round of rejections....I had had it! I began to go through some deep soul searching.
I'm not the kind of person who has set all my hopes on dental school. I know and knew I could survive if I didn't get it. It isn't the end of the world. All I knew for sure, is that I wanted to help people and work in healthcare in some way.
I began to search for a new plan. I have always had back up plans. I just needed to find which one I wanted. I did some research on nursing schools and figured out what program I wanted. I needed one that would incorporate the degree I already I wouldn't waste much time. I came across some accelerated BSN programs. I am completely new to all this nursing stuff, so I had to search around and whatnot. I have a pretty great GPA (all those hard studying days for dental school paid off), so I set my sights pretty high.
I looked at Columbia, Yale, Duke and some other random schools. I made a spreadsheet and looked at all the options. Duke seemed to have a lot to offer. It is the cheapest(surprisingly) out of the options I chose. It requires the least amount of prereqs, and I don't need to take the GRE because I have a high enough GPA.
Duke has the earliest deadline, so I decided to shoot for Duke. I enrolled at the university I got my undergrad degree at to take my prereqs. Classes started last week and I'm already stressed. I have to take Human Anatomy and Physiology I and II and Sociology this summer. I'm one test into Sociology...and I'm not having any problems there. A and P is another story....I am stressed. Too much info in too little time. Ah well... It's a love/hate.
I gathered my recommendations, wrote my personal statement and clicked that send button.
Now I just wait....
This is something I can really see myself doing and I am really excited!
I think that is all for now. I will write again when I have something to update on =)