Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Flight Tickets Booked!

I am worn out today. I don't know what it is. I've been trying to get 8 hours of sleeping in a night. I think it was the combination of the rain and my brain just feeling overloaded. I feel as each day passes I am just more and more behind in Human Anatomy and Physiology. I had my 2nd Sociology exam today. It wasn't hard, but I was so drained that it took me forever to finish it. I had to concentrate on every word in each question. My brain worked in slow motion today.
When I got home I booked my Mom and I's flight and hotel for my interview. I really wish my Dad could come along, but it is just too expensive. I could not believe the airfare prices!!! geeeze!
We are planning on a roadtrip this fall where we can all drive and enjoy the road to North Carolina. If I get in, we will be checking out apartments and whatnot.
I just wish time would fly. I know you shouldn't wish any part of your life away...I just want it to speed up. It's hard for me to enjoy each moment when I feel like all I do is eat, sleep, go to class, and study. =/
oh well!
I can't wait for the 15th!

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