Thursday, October 7, 2010

I Like It On The Kitchen Table

Things seem to be coming together. My anxiety about all the things I have to get done before November 1st is starting to go away.

I had my TB test read yesterday morning (bright and early again). It was a negative test (0 mm). For my age and circumstances, anything under 15mm would have been a negative test. The only thing visible on my forearm is a tiny little red spot from where a little blood caused a bruise from the injection spot. What a relief...I'm TB free! ;)

I got a call this morning informing me that my titer lab results were back. I made my third trip, since Monday, up to the health center. MUAHAHAH! My magical blood contains antibodies for both Hep B and Varicella (Chicken Pox). It feels great to have such powerful blood.

I am DONE with immunizations/titers/blood drawings for a LONG TIME! (I hope...*wishes for no needle pricks*)

Earlier this week I noticed a trend happening. I was skimming Twitter updates and briefly remember seeing someone's tweet mentioning they "like it on the floor"

A day later I saw someone else commenting on the fact the "like it on the chair".

None of these people were related or knew each other.
At first I though it was a hilarious quote from a TV show or movie that I had missed out on.
The first show that came to mind was The Office...just a guess.

I ended up Google searching "I like it on the floor".
to my surprise
It was a tool to help spread breast cancer awareness.

The "It" we are referring to my friends:


Where do YOU like to put your purse?

I like it on the kitchen table

occasionally I like it on the dog

I posted this pic along with "I like it on my dog" on twitter/facebook.
I thought it was a cute idea and it also gave the men out there a little hint.

This awareness tool worked on me...and I'm glad it is catching on.
I seemed to get the most responses from guys with my status (figures), but I did notice a TON of women posting their own "I like it" statuses.

On the exercise front:
I have managed going to the gym, running, and walking the dogs. I've exercised 4 times this week and it still isn't over.

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