Tuesday, March 1, 2011

shifting Weather

Yesterday morning I slept in and relaxed for a bit.
I decided to get my butt in gear and went out for some shopping.
I bought some new shirts and a pair of shoes.
Once I made it back home I decided to go for a walk because the weather was nice.
It was warm and sunny...then all of a sudden it was windy and cool =/

the sky began to get gray

Around 30 minutes after I made it home, the bottom dropped out.
It poured most of the night.
I spent the evening watching catheters being placed in and taken out (fun....).
All I know is I hope I never need one of those things.

I woke up this morning and it was freezing!!!
It seems to always be painfully cold when I have to walk from my car to the school of nursing...erg.

In Intro to Nursing we were given ethical dilemma cases.
One important thing I have learned this semester is to get a living will and a healthcare power of attorney!
Our guest speaker today was the CEO of Duke Hospital...and guess what???
He is a male nurse.

This was followed by a birthday surprise for Margie!!!!
It seems like everyone is having a 50th birthday this week. I feel a little left out..hah.
They had set up the dummies to represent each decade of her life:

I was so thankful for birthday cake. I didn't have time to eat lunch between our speaker and flex lab so I chowed down on some cake while watching nasogastric insertion =P
After a bit of practice, it was time to head back down for Patho.
I snuck in lunch from the DUSON. The soup of the day was corn chowder and it was so dang good.
There wasn't really a lecture today in Patho. We split into groups and worked on some complex cases that involved Rheumatic Fever and DVT.

I calmed down after class with another walk/jog.
I had planned on just walking, but I was so cold at one point I ran to keep warm.

Today's blooming pic:

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