I spent the day watching 6 hours worth of Patho lectures. This helped reinforce all of the reading I did in the book. I felt that I knew enough of the material by the end of the day.
watching an Endocrine lecture |
I was startled by a bang at the door and ran downstairs. I received my fourth book for next semester!
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I've got a feeling this class will be a tuffy |
I did take my normal break and went for a stroll.
I had planned on waking up at 8, but decided on 9 AM. I had some breakfast and then began reading over my study guide for my Patho final. I was bored out of my mind after a little over an hour of that and headed up to school. Stesha, Sandy, and I had a study session together right before the exam. The exam seemed a little bit harder than the last, but I was sure I scored high enough to keep my A in the class. Stesha and I were in the mood for Sushi Love and headed on over there. I tried a lunch special: hibachi steak. It was super cheap and super good!
To put off studying for another hour, I went for a walk.
The honeysuckle smell so sweet and wonderful. I feel like I'm in Hawaii anytime I'm around them.
I had the absolute hardest time studying for my last final that would be the next day. I might have put in a total of 45 minutes of studying that night. Honestly, I thought I could do well on the exam just by using my common sense. Fundamentals is a class that isn't all about memorizing the "facts". It is more of an application of ALL the things we have learned over the past 4 months. A lot of the material is permanently pressed in my brain because of the application of it. We use a big chunk of what we have learned in our lab or clinical site. There are always a lot of questions about "What would be the MOST/LEAST appropriate thing to say when _______". I always try to put myself in the role of the patient. Now if I was sitting in the hospital/clinic, what words would I expect to come out of my nurse's mouth? ....and that's it. That is how I answer questions like that. If I read an answer choice and I feel like I would be offended if someone said that to me, that would not be something appropriate. You get it?
Now, not all of the questions are that simple. There are always the ones like "What would you do FIRST"? "What is the highest priority"? Then it gets tricky.
To tell you the truth, the test was brutal. I got through it, but it was hard.
After the exam, I printed out some papers for my clinical site this summer. I didn't know my exact assignment, but I knew I would be at Duke Hospital. Score!!
Stesha and I had been planning on having lunch at Ruth's Chris to celebrate being done. Little did we know that they don't do lunch. We decided on Hibachi, but it didn't open until 11:30 so we waited in the parking lot for 10 minutes. I noticed some geese and happened to have some stale goldfish from our road trip a couple of weeks ago. I fed them.
hibachi |
We had a couple of hours to kill before our tour of the Duke Lemur Center. We watched Paranormal Activity and I enjoyed it. It gave me a couple of scares.
2:30 rolled around and we went on the Lemur Tour.
momma and baby |
After the lemurs, I made a stop at Target. I needed some kitty litter and litter box liners before I headed out of town.
It was Cinco de Mayo. Not only that, it was Alley cat's 14th birthday.
I've had her since I was around 10 years old and in the 4th grade.
I had slept in and then went for a walk.
I finished up packing and cleaned my townhouse once again. I want it to be clean when I return.
I was bored out of my mind and decided to go ahead and leave. I stopped by The Duck Shop to buy some Duke gear. I followed that with a trip to a bookstore to find a nice read for the plane ride back.
I arrived at the airport almost 3 hours before my flight. I took my time, but still had an hour and half before boarding once I was in the terminal.
I bought a pasta salad and a sandwich to eat. The sandwich was disgustingly soggy so all I had was the pasta salad.
I found a pic of an airedale in the SkyMall magazine and it made me miss my dogs more =(
The plane ride was smooth and I got almost 100 pages read in my new book. We landed and I walked out to be greeted by my Mom. I spotted my luggage, grabbed it, and we headed to the car. I got to see my Dad and gave him a hug. We grabbed dinner on the way home. I walked in the door and got to see my precious doggys.
The day started out with me getting my bridesmaid dress altered. This was followed by dress shopping. My Mom and I grabbed lunch and then headed home. My parents and I headed to the lake for them to fish and for me to kayak.
We then got in the pool.
I was able to catch up with Chelsie, Angela, and Trinity tonight. I helped Chelsie pick out some of her outfits for her engagement pics that are tomorrow.
I received my specific clinical placement for the summer today. I'll be on a women's oncology unit. I'm thrilled!!!
I am happy to report that I made three "A"s and one "B+" this semester.
I'm 1/4 of a nurse and couldn't be happier.
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