Friday, May 20, 2011

Where you "lead", I will follow

 Today was much better than yesterday. Instead of sitting in the same seat all day long getting a pressure sore, I got to move around.
For day two of clinical training for Adult Health, we were split into 3 large groups. 
My group started out in the main lecture hall to learn how to read cardiac rhythms. This came along with how/where to attach a 3 and 5 lead telemetry system.
The leads are different colors and there are mnemonics for the 3 and 5 lead system.
3 Lead
White to the right
Smoke (black) over fire (red)
5 Lead
White to the Right
Snow (white) covers grass (green)
Smoke (black) over fire (red)

Good times going on in the DUSON.

The next "station" my group went to was upstairs in the CND.
We reviewed CPR because we all know if you don't use it you lose it.
That was followed with what to do if a patient starts to seize. 

Lunch was next and I spent it outside on the patio of the school. It almost reminded me of a field trip or lunch time back in elementary. We were all gathered outside with our "sack" lunches enjoying the sun.

After lunch, my group made it to the final station of the day. It covered trach suctioning. We were also given various scenarios and asked what we would do first( and second, etc) in each situation. 
We wrapped up Adult Health for the day in the main lecture hall and had a debriefing. 

Up Next: Community Health
This is a 3 hour course that is split into 3 different semesters, so technically it is only one hour this semester. My community health "clinical" will not occur until 4 weeks before I graduate next April. Remember me mentioning Honduras? That will fulfill my 56 hour community health clinical requirement for the course. So, a lot of the "work" for the class for me won't be done until then. 

Getting out at 3:30 seemed like a dream come true after being stuck up at school all day yesterday and the day before.

I came home and hit the pavement. 
I logged in a 3 mile run and then walked another 1.4

I saw a momma duck and one baby, but they were too far away

attempting to get a pic of them

After a nice cool down, I hit the books. 
I read for about 2 hours for Mental Health Clinical Prep day that happens to be tomorrow from 8 AM- 2:15 PM

Time to hit the hay! 

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