It seems like professors always leave the most interesting lecture until the very end of the semester.
Well...interesting/awkward...whichever way you want to look at it.
You KNOW you want to look at it!
Not only were we going over the reproductive diseases...but we were signed up for a photo shoot...apparently
Notice the guy in the corner setting up a "subtle" flashbox/thing.
We were asked to all sit in the middle of the classroom and be "natural".
For the first hour of class I was distracted by the camera's shutter going off and the flashing of all the lights.
When someone answered or asked a question in class...he got picture happy and would snap 10 in a row.
I can appreciate a photographer any day of the week...but please don't come in during Patho to do your work.
Maybe a more laid back class next time?
We were presented with our clinical options for the summer semester.
There were not a lot of options.
Either Medical, Surgical, or Medical/Surgical...and I think one Medical Oncology.
Either Duke/UNC/Duke Raleigh.
Either Mondays or Wednesdays.
I chose all Wednesdays for my top 4 preferences.
I know a 12 hour clinical shift (6:45 AM-7 PM) on a Wednesday will kill me, but I REALLY want my 3/4 day weekends (we have Tuesday clinicals on 5 random Tuesdays this summer). Classes are on Thursdays/Fridays.
I came home to a pretty surprise from my parents.
It was an early Easter present. =)
....and this morning, once again, the professor came right back to sex
Our "ice breaker" for the lecture, I kid you not, was to list nicknames for intercourse/vagina/breasts/penis/testicles.
The second part of our lecture, Jon Seskevich came to speak with us.
Guest lectures are always fun.
Here is a piece Fox News did on him 8 years ago:
He went through his relaxation technique with us for 10 minutes and it was very relaxing.
There are 3 parts including belly breathing, letting your body be heavy and let the chair/bed support you, and to have a phrase you repeat over and over in your head...ex: I can do it
When your mind starts to wander, bring it back to your phrase.
Most people will wander to "what if...._____"
Try to keep your thought positive and repeat your phrase.
During this, my mind wandered a bit.
My thoughts were not stressful, they were actually I let it wander.
I almost fell asleep and he said that was natural.
Any type of change causes stress.
I can't believe in just two short weeks I'll be done with my first semester of nursing school. I plan on doing a full writeup of what I've learned/the greatest challenges etc.
I booked a flight to Houston for the end of May to attend a wedding with my boyfriend.
I'm such a lucky girl to see him twice in one month.
I cannot wait to be back in Texas with my family and friends =)
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