Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Sunshine is free

Yesterday didn't end up going the way I had planned.
This is a GOOD thing.
Before the Patho Exam, I had flex lab.
We learned some new wound care stuff and had a chance to "change" a dressing.
We got to practice removing stitches, too.

I made my way downstairs to take my Patho exam. They were handed out and she skipped me =(. It was an accident and she came back to give me a test. After the first 4 questions I thought I was being Punk'd. The test wasn't bad. It was actually, do I dare say, easy?
15 minutes later I was done and ready to space out. We had to come back to class and work on some Endocrine case studies. NO ONE had read the chapter yet and luckily the teacher assumed that was the case. We made it through one of the two cases.

Since I ran the past 4 days, I decided to walk. Stesha wanted to join. By the time we got to my place to start walking, it was pouring down rain. We decided to go ahead and make dinner. I bought a new pasta dish and whipped it up. I wasn't too fond of it (too rich), so we went to go get sushi at Sushi Love.

After dinner Stesha went home. I was ready to walk and grabbed my rain coat. It was a cloudy and drizzly walk,

I almost got pulled over for walking "too" fast...hahahaha

Today's lecture in fundamentals was over caring for a surgical patient. We split into groups and had to work on different phases of the process. Some had pre-op, post-op, etc.
2 guys in our class volunteered to act as the patients.
It was pretty entertaining and the guys are great actors.

Chris being a patient about to go in for surgery

After class, I went for a 3 mile run and followed it with a 1 mile walk.
I ran into a goose! I forgot to bring bread...I've been saving up!

Enjoying my cool down walk

I had a lot of stuff I needed to get done.
I had a Stats Theoretical HW that needed to be finished before tomorrow.
I had some ATI modules that needed to be done for lab tomorrow.
I really need to get started on some Patho reading, but I am dead.

doing HW on the porch

it was sooo sunny and wonderful!

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