Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Always Look on the Bright Side of Life...dee doo dee doo

By Monday morning I somewhat had a voice back.
Before I got out of bed, I finished up a Theoretical Assignment for my Stats class.
I went downstairs and made some breakfast and enjoyed my flowers.

Day #4:

I changed the water and poured in the second packet of flower food.
I can follow directions...sometimes.
I read some Patho and then met Stesha at Target to do some grocery shopping.
Usually the culprit that gets me to the grocery store is either milk or strawberries.
Dinner was spent at Sushi Love celebrating Dez's 23rd Birthday (second on the left).

I finished up the nursing intervention part of my Plan of Care Assignment and then watched the NCAA championship.
I really didn't care who won.
The moth made a wrong prediction.

After a LONG night of waking up/coughing/going back to sleep/waking up/coughing/taking cough medicine/going back to sleep/waking up/coughing/sucking on a cough drop/going back to sleep/waking up from the storm/rolling over multiple times/coughing/going to sleep....
see the pattern?

...I decided to sleep in and "skip" my first class.
yes, I skipped it
...but I had good reason
I needed my sleep.
I woke up for the last time at 10:30 and made my way up to school.
the tulips are coming in nicely on campus

I had flex lab at noon and got to practice drawing up meds again =)
Patho was semi enjoyable today. Mainly because I had read half the chapter before going and I had a non sleep deprived brain. I was alert the whole 3 hours!

my flowers on Day #5

I made it home and got some hours of work in on Patho.

my brain on Patho

I'm going to attempt to go to sleep soon. I really hope I don't cough all night again.
On the bright side, I'm getting an ab workout.

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