Thursday, January 27, 2011

I really can't think of a title

The MOST exciting thing happened to me today!!!
I hit 62,000 miles in the TBlaze.

Ok, ok. I'm kidding

Lecture was very informative today. We finished up the cardiovascular and peripheral system assessment. The professor gives us many examples of what can go wrong and what we should do under certain situations. It makes it easy for me to get a grasp on everything and reinforce what I've read. My brain feels like a sponge that keeps absorbing all this material (Assessment material....not patho...hahahahha).

I chose to relax during the 3 hour gap in my schedule.
Caught up on the DVR shows...etc.

Today's lab was a catch up.
My partner and I decided to listen to Mr. Sim's lungs and heart.

Mr. Sim can have a wide variety of things wrong with him.
We were able to listen to normal lung sounds, pneumonia, wheezing, etc.
On the heart we could hear murmurs and a lot of other abnormal sounds.

Mr. Sim

I winded down from school with a 3 mile run.
My knee gave me a little issue, so I walked for about 5 minutes in the middle of the run.

post run

card I got in the mail from my parents!

I read another chapter in patho this evening.
Now, it's time for some Duke basketball!

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